Ready to party

Ready to party

The venue has been decided, the date booked, guests invited and the theme picked. Months of planning and preparation, it's all looking fantastic, just the final bits and pieces to finish off. Then, the great British weather throws you a curve ball! It's the middle of May and yet we have temperatures of 11 degrees and heavy rain and hail forecast. I mean hail in May, what on earth?

So big decision to make, do you carry on regardless with the outdoor themed party and suck it up, we are British after all? Or do you look at the possibility of rescheduling, whilst still keeping an eye on the cost and availability of the venue? It's a tricky one you need to ensure all your guests can still attend, catering needs thinking about and who is to say the weather will be any better for the new date?

One thing is for sure, it certainly keeps things interesting planning an outdoor party with the great British weather! 

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Moroccan Party - part 1

Moroccan Party - part 1

Children's party favors

Children's party favors